Did you miss our 8 week Urban Sustainability Skills course this semester? You have a chance to get the shortened version in our first ever weekend workshop!
SSMU Mini-Course: Sustainability 101 November 7th and 8th, 12:00 - 4:00pm, SSMU 108 (3600 rue McTavish, Montreal) Cost: $50 for McGill students; $55 for non-students Register on the SSMU mini-course site by November 4th, 2015 Through this 2 day workshop of discussions and hands-on activities, we'll learn the basic concepts of sustainability. We’ll learn how to grow and preserve our own food, build a more inclusive community, and lessen our eco-footprint. On the first day, we’ll discuss what sustainability actually means, and the various ways you can incorporate socially, economically, and ecologically responsible choices into your daily life. On the second day, we’ll dive into food issues. We’ll talk about eating in season and how you can preserve the harvest so that you can eat locally all year round. This class is great for those who want to learn some fun, immediate changes they do to help the planet. We are excited to present our first workshop on Food Justice at the Concordia Greenhouse. Food Justice Wednesday, October 21st, 5:30-7:00pm at the Concordia Greenhouse Free - donation accepted. What are some of the ethical questions that surround what we eat on a daily basis? We’ll talk about some of the many ways that racism, sexism, classism, and accessibility shape the gap between who grows “healthy” food and who gets to eat it. The discussion will also focus on how we can incorporate food justice into how we garden, eat, and advocate. |
About TinyHomestead
TinyHomestead offers workshops and consultations about sustainable living in Montreal. Archives
November 2016